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Facial Recognition Proposal + Presentation

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Facial Recognition at CCNY 

Our project Smiles is a facial recognition system that would add an extra layer of security within the City College community. Smiles plans to work with the company KipleLive and aims to replace the Clear4Pass system by providing vaccination, health, and security clearance for security guards on campus to make our campus healthier and safer. Our project is estimated to be done in approximately one to two years with a cost of roughly one to two million dollars. 

By: Jenny Zhu, Kevin Matilde, and Naidelyn Castellanos


Have you ever been part of the crowd that gathers by the security desk before entering the school building in City College because of the issues the Clear4Pass is having? The problem that Clear4Pass presents is: does not load efficiently, causing the heavy traffic; do not give health clearance the day of, so people can be entering the building with a fever (one of the symptoms to COVID, a global pandemic); easy to manipulate, there are many stories where students edit their screenshots due to their denial in the system; needs an ID to identify oneself, no other verifications can authenticate who you say you are. Now with masks, do you ever wonder if the person entering the building with you is really who they say they are? With Smiles, our facial recognition systems, this will not be a problem anymore. Installing non-contact body temperature access control turnstiles can not only help upgrade our security system at city college but also help filter through those who have a fever or those who are not allowed access to the campus at a quicker pace. Our system is meant to speed up the process of entering the building while maintaining if not upgrading the security systems we already have. We are looking at an estimate of one to two million dollars in funding to place two to three turnstiles for each of the thirteen buildings within City College. 

Technical description

Our program aims to look similar to figure 1, looking similar to a subway station and only allowing access if the temperature scanned by our cameras is within range and that you are vaccinated. 

Figure 1: Example of Project Smile

[Airport security]. (2019). 

The camera completes a series of steps before granting access to the building. The first step, also the essential step to our facial recognition system, is face detection. Our camera will detect and locate your face. The next step will be face capture. The camera will take a temporary photo of your face used to measure the facial features also known as nodal points; nodal points include the width of the nose, depth of the eye sockets, and distance from forehead to chin. Our system will take the nodal points and convert them into mathematical formulas giving sets of digital information to represent your unique facial signature. The final step in this process is the face match. Using the mathematical formulas taken from the temporary photos, our system will match it up with another identical one within our database to find the match to your face. 

Figure 2 – Kiplelive Thermo Scanner

The Innovation Process

We will be teaming up with Kiplelive as a “Proptech” (application of information technology and platform economics to real estate markets. It makes transactions quicker, more efficient, and more secure for users. The Kiplelive builds and provides solutions such as Facial Recognition access, and reduces the cost and effort of a property manager. The benefit of pairing up with this company is they have an app called kipleLive app which is designed to bridge the gap between the management and end-users. The devices come with applications that include: Own A Digital Ecosystem, Record Verification, Digital Attendance List, Safeguard Premises, and Streamline Communication. The benefit of using Kiplelive is that it also works with your mask, which is a plus since it is still in COVID times. This also allows and gives people the option to keep their masks on or off. The invention has already started to be implemented in schools in Malaysia to create safety. Our idea would be to just implement it into CCNY school first and test it out and then go worldwide.

But first, we would have to check out if our school can afford the Non-contact infrared body temperature access control display with facial recognition. To Implement this device into CCNY would cost around $ 1-2 million. This cost is so high because we want to ensure that all 13 buildings at CCNY are secure. Although the cost may be out of pocket it’s worth teaming up with a company instead of building it yourself because just one Machine costs $ 1,500 and this is without installation. But with Kapil Live they will install it and guide us to use their appliances. The estimated time of installment would be -2 years because we would first have to take 3-4 months for the Facial Recognition Technology to arrive and once it has arrived we will then take 3 to 4 months to install them into all 13 buildings. Next, we would have to allow 2-3 months for students and professors to do their facial scan and upload it to the kiplelive application to make sure all their verification steps are completed. Once students have completed all the steps necessary for the facial recognition to work we would have to then run a test and make sure everything is functioning properly. which could take 2-3 three months. 

Figure 3 – (Kiplelive Temperature Screening, 2020)

Figure 4 (KipleLive in Action, 2020) 

The Non-contact infrared body temperature access control display with facial recognition includes a Non-contact infrared body temperature access control display, an 8.0-inch IPS LCD screen,  RK3288 quad-core which is a quad-core processor with a NEON coprocessor, and hardware acceleration for video and 3D graphics. It is used mostly for other low-power, low-performance devices. It also supports the detection and tracking of multiple people at the same time and supports public cloud deployment, privatized deployment, LAN use, and stand-alone use. Even though this can be driven remotely it doesn’t take from the security guards’ jo butt makes it easier because they would just need to monitor and make sure everything is running properly

Studies have been made about how there had been an Increase In Facial Recognition Due to COVID. 

This study was done to see if Americans trust law enforcement to use facial recognition technology. It was based on age, political affiliation, and racial or ethnic background.

The information we were able to collect from the graph was that older adults were much more accepting than younger adults of facial recognition use by law enforcement. Fewer than half (42%) of 18- to-29-year-olds think it is acceptable. Just 6% of older Americans think this is an unacceptable use of facial recognition technology.

Figure 5 (Smith, 2019)

Conclusion/ Summary

By working with Kiplelive, not only will this be applying facial recognition software to our entrances here at CCNY.To summarize our project smiles is to work with Kipleline and replace our cleared4pss system which would make school entrances faster by reducing lines and crowds at the entrance and make the school safer by motioning everyone’s temperature and authenticating each individual. 


Naidelyn – Key Terms, all information from KipleLive as well as calculating the finances and cost of how much most of the proposed technology would estimate. Expected by Friday 5/6/2022, was completed 5/5/2022

Jenny – Summary, Stating the problems of cleared4, and breaking down the facial recognition software into an easier-to-understand way for the class to understand. Expected by Friday 5/6/2022, was completed 5/5/2022

Kevin – Photographs and breaks down the graphs into more manageable and digestible ways for the class to understand. Expected by Friday 5/6/2022, was completed 5/5/2022

Finding information and understanding it ourselves as a group was another task that we all worked on together, minor adjustments and last-minute decisions came together as something all three of us did. While there were some issues with timings, all information came together relatively well and on time.

Reference Page 

[Airport security]. (2019). https://www.discovermagazine.com/technology/airports-are-embracing-facial-recognition-should-we-be-worried

All, S., recognition, 8., recognition, 8., & Prevention, F. (2022). 8 Non-contact infrared body temperature access control display with facial recognition. Retrieved 10 May 2022, from https://fullprevention.com/8-non-contact-infrared-body-temperature-access-control-display-with-facial-recognition/

End-To-End A.I Proptech Platform for Schools | kipleLive. (2022). Retrieved 10 May 2022, from https://kiplelive.com/school/

Facial recognition: top 7 trends (tech, vendors, use cases). (2022). Retrieved 10 May 2022, from https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/markets/digital-identity-and-security/government/biometrics/facial-recognition

GT Series High Glass Optical Speed Gate – TURNSTILES.us. (2022). Retrieved 10 May 2022, from https://www.turnstiles.us/product/gt-series-high-glass-optical-speed-gate/?attribute_selection=GT1-170-C+(Center+Module+Std)&attribute_finish=Powder+Coated+with+Clear+Glass&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyMiTBhDKARIsAAJ-9VsbCD2Lk5jAaxdWmj0N2ZpmZtwgvZnMGjJ2_jHd6pi4ADNviJVfTMYaAgmXEALw_wcB

Kiplelive Thermo Scanner. (n.d.). [Photo]. https://kiplelive.com/school/

KipleLive in action. (2020, July 7). [Photograph]. KipleLive in Action. https://mobile.twitter.com/kipleLive/status/1280396131164237824/photo/2

Kiplelive temperature screening. (2020, July 7). [Photograph]. Kiplelive Temperature Screening. https://kiplelive.com/media/temperature-screening-camera-to-ease-process-while-ensuring-safety-of-pupils-and-teachers/

Smith, A. (2019, September 5). More Than Half of U.S. Adults Trust Law Enforcement to Use Facial Recognition Responsibly [Photograph]. More Than Half of U.S. Adults Trust Law Enforcement to Use Facial Recognition Responsibly. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2019/09/05/more-than-half-of-u-s-adults-trust-law-enforcement-to-use-facial-recognition-responsibly/

Non-contact infrared body temperature access control display with facial recognition – Shiningltd.com. (2022). Retrieved 10 May 2022, from https://www.shiningltd.com/non-contact-infrared-body-temperature-access-control-display-with-facial-recognition/

Why Covid may mean more facial recognition tech. (2022). Retrieved 10 May 2022, from https://www.bbc.com/news/business-54959193