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Rhetorical Analysis Reflection

Naidelyn Castellanos 

Professor Von UhI

Writing for Engineering

 April 15, 2022

Reflection On Inside A Bluetooth Speaker      

Ever wonder what the inside of a  Bluetooth speaker has? and what makes it function? Throughout the paper, you will learn the history of what came to be the Bluetooth speaker and each function of each item inside of it. How the speaker is composed. For this, I had to start from the origin, breaking up the two devices apart and searching for their history and why they’re useful, and their purpose in being created. The speaker is the first thing talked about since it was made first and then the Bluetooth. We came to learn that Bluetooth and Bluetooth speakers were invented by the same person.

 After explaining the background history of the two devices separately, we then begin to look at the interior design. The main focus is on the speakers, batteries, audio, and types of Circuit Boards. It goes into detail about how the item works and how it functions inside the Bluetooth speaker. When doing research and looking through different sources one thing I noticed was that all the articles had their unique way of explaining that it just depends on the speaker and the model and that each inside is different. For example when on the subject of batteries it’s explained that Li-ion batteries are the most common batteries and it states because it’s been tested and it’s the safest this is why they are used on so many Bluetooth devices. 

Throughout the whole process of finding out the insides of the Bluetooth speakers, it seemed very complicated when taking the first look at the readings and sources that were going to be used to explain the speaker. Once I started to dissect each article I realized they make it seem complicated by adding fancy words but it’s so simple that there are Diy videos on how to make a Bluetooth speaker at home. Although in the end, I was able to complete the assignment it didn’t come without challenges and I did face them. Some challenges I faced while working on my project was trying to not repeat myself throughout the assignment because there was a lot of information about the Bluetooth that would help explain each item inside. Another challenge was trying to make sure it was descriptive enough but also easy to read to someone who didn’t understand the Bluetooth speaker.

I think that now after completing this paper and handing it in, I re-read it, and there are a lot of things I would do differently like just structure it in my opinion better, and maybe add more pictures. But this is the process, you learn from your mistakes and I think that I did well for this being my first time doing a technical description. Although with every paper I submit I am always going to have feedback I like to work on the weakness I saw in this paper-like focus on the structure of my sentences and my grammar. If I were able to judge myself on my paper I would state that it is very descriptive when it gets to the function of the Bluetooth speaker but I would like to focus more on explaining more components of the speaker. Overall I have a new understanding of the Bluetooth speaker and how it works and why it does what it does. This object, like many bits, helps make our human lives easier and saves us time and that innovation is just finding a way to make humans’ lives easier and improve our ways.

Technical Description Reflection

Naidelyn Castellanos 

Professor Von UhI

Writing for Engineering

 April 24, 2022

Reflection On The Air Force Innovation Period  

The Air Force? What comes to mind when that word is stated? For me, the words aerospace, aircraft, military, and government come to mind. Throughout this analysis, I am critiquing three Lab reports that have to do with the Air Force, how the author introduces the topic and how they reach out and state who the audience is,  and how the lab is overall.

This process was not easy because I have never done this before and reading three completely different articles and finding out similarities in them besides their topic was hard. But my thought process was to read each lab and take out information that sticks out to me. Once I was able to understand what was going on in the lab then I observed how they formatted the whole lab. After I read all three of them I started to notice that they had a lot of things in common information-wise. As I  got stuck multiple times I took out the two things that I could find in all three labs which were who the audience was and the structure of the articles. I began to explain what each lab was about and to support myself I would state information that was in the lab to prove that there was change happening throughout the article. I used the evidence given in the text as well to not only check if I was understanding what I was writing but to support what I was stating before and then I would explain what the quote said in my own words.

Throughout writing this Rhetorical analysis I learned that It wasn’t as hard as I pictured it in my head I just needed to start and that all the pieces would fit in. I also gain knowledge about how the Air Force needs government approval for everything. I faced many challenges because I would get stuck and not know what to do, but this didn’t stop me from completing my assignment. What I did was look at the examples given and if I still didn’t understand something I would search it up to get a clear understanding and try to put it into my own words. Once I could explain it in my own words, I knew that I understood what was going on. If we’re given a chance to do this again I think when reading the lab reports I would not only write down the main idea of each but focus more on the structure and less on the information given. I think for my first and for how much I struggled on this I did okay because now I have an understanding of what a Rhetorical Analysis is and if another comes up I know how to start it  and I have work to look back on if I get stuck.

Facial Recognition Reflection

Naidelyn Castellanos 

Professor Von UhI

Writing for Engineering

 May 16, 2022

Reflection On Facial Recognition at CCNY 

My group consisted of two other students. At the beginning of being assigned this task, we did not know each other or ever spoke to each other. This was one of the hardest tasks because since we were not assigned in person and we were on vacation we didn’t communicate with each other until two days before the proposal idea was due. It wasn’t easy to know how to go into this project because I didn’t know how everyone’s attitude was towards working in a group, which could affect the amount of work input into our project. The group leader finally reached out and we were able to create a group chat where we could feel free to drop any ideas. I didn’t have any idea and it wasn’t important to me as long as everyone was going to input the same amount of work. My role was to, first create the google slide so that we could have a base and format the space so that we assign each other an equal amount of work. Furthermore, I was assigned one slide with a lot of key information about our project the Facial Recognition at CCNY. This was quite difficult at the start because I had no idea where I was going to start with so much information out on the web. Besides the fact that we still didn’t know in which way our facial recognition was going to lead from worldwide or focus it down to one school. We then decided that we wanted to focus on one school so our Facial Recognition at CCNY would be a better replacement for the access pass we have now.

I feel as if the division of tasks was great. Everyone had their part and felt comfortable and was able to give an opinion on whether they liked their assigned task. We always helped each other out if we didn’t understand something and if we all didn’t understand something, we relied on the web. As a group, we decide to divide the work base on which slides require more information, and if a person like me or my other classmate had a slide with a lot of information we would only focus on making sure we hit and address every point. Since there were only three of us we all were required to put in more work because of the amount of information we had input. The way we all checked up was in a group chat and we set deadlines. The deadline was needed because some parts needed to be completed for another group member to start there.

The communication in my group I would say was outstanding, this is because we communicate almost every single day but it was to check up on each other not only group work. At the start, we did not know each other and now after this project, we all came out as friends. We admire each other’s work ethics and the way we help each other out even if we were not assigned that certain part. On the day of the presentation, I felt well prepared because the night before our presentation we had a call to make sure everyone’s parts were completed and to go over any grammar problems. We then took the time out to get to school an hour early so that we could practice and fix any last-minute changes. We calm each other down and encourage each other and I feel that our final gathering completed and added a bonus touch to our project because not only did we make some last-minute changes but those changes help us get our message of facial recognition out to the audience.

Not only was this project a success but also the amount of new knowledge we came out with. While I was researching I was also learning and it was interesting to know that this idea of scanning your face even with your mask is available in the country and inputted in schools. The format that we were given to sort of follow as a guide helped me learn the structure needed behind any idea. This taught me to be clear and precise when stating an idea. This also was a very helpful project because it will prepare me to head into the engineering field because of the amount of group work and what type of thinking process to have.